How difficult is to hole a putt!?
Very, according the stats from the really good guys on tv. There are as likely to miss from 8 feet as they are to hole. So what does that mean for you at the amateur end of the game? There is a really good chance that distance gets much closer to the hole before it becomes a 50/50 chance of holing it.
Yet many of us can improve that stat greatly by improving on a few key points:

- Start Line
- Putter Face Aim
- Speed Control
- Green Reading Skills
Using SAM Puttlab technology, together we can look at all four independently and then collectively to give you the best possible outcome to take to the course. Holing more putts make for happier golfers!

We will also look at your practise habits and some of the ways you can challenge yourself on the putting green away from competition play. Added pressure at different times is proven to give you a much better outcome when the first four footer for par arrives on the back nine.